Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy Independence Day !!

Noun: independence |,in-di'pen-dun(t)s|

1. Freedom from control or influence of another or others = independency

2. The state of being able to support oneself without help from others

If this what we believe in, then let's make ourselves Strong enough to sustain ourselves. Work on the following:

1. Love, nourish and educate the girl child 

2. The best way to fight corruption is saying a NO. If u dont pay, they don't get 

3. Make friends from different communities and religions 

4. Save water, electricity and natural resources 

5. Keep yourself and your city clean. (dont throw that wrapper out of your car window next time)

6. Live and let live

Don't talk big.... Just do your bit. India is a great nation. Let's keep it that way. 

Happy independence day!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


 As we began our journey to Salem (Tamil Nadu) a number of thoughts ran in the minds of all of us. We were excited, anxious, high on spirits and most importantly happy to be away from the campus for 2 days!!! We reached the station near our campus to board the train. As we waited there I realized it is one of those stations which we see in our long journeys, the ones with wooden fences, one guard office, the red and green flags, trees planted parallel to the tracks and just one platform. I began thinking of rural India, the people and the simplicity in their lives. Just as I began sinking in my thoughts, I was jostled by my friend, “Dude, let’s take some pictures, everyone’s waiting for you”.
I was pulled back to reality but still during the so called PHOTOSESSION, these thoughts kept running in my mind. Soon the train arrived, and it was not what we expected. It was jam packed but somehow we did manage to get inside. Once inside, we were amazed to see people sitting on almost anything available!!(No not on laps of course!!). After about an hour and battling our way through the narrow passage we managed to sit on the upper berth of the compartment. As we were adjusting ourselves there, we heard someone saying, “Keep your feet away, this is South India and people command respect here, if it were your North India you could do anything!!” we looked at other, yes may it was our mistake, but the statement shook us and we apologised. We could have argued, but we had realized that we were in India, but not OUR INDIA. This was the South.

All through our journey and stay we were reminded a number of times that we were North Indians. Why do we treat our own people this way?? Why can’t people respect each other and live in harmony. No nobody came and attacked us, but those words which time and again reminded us that we OUTSIDERS did hurt us.

It made me think, we are always proud of our traditions and culture. We boast of our UNITY IN DIVERSITY and welcoming nature of people. But this very unity in diversity keeps us from growing and becoming ONE. It always hinders in ONENESS that we desire. Because of the diverse cultures, we are cocooned into our regions. We never look at the bigger picture, INDIA AS A NATION. We are always blaming each other for our own shortcomings. We in India speak various languages, accept and respect different religions, celebrate all festivals and in times of crisis we all stand together. This is our strength. But the more we magnify our QUALITY of being different, the more we diminish our feeling of being an INDIAN first. We may be different from our caste, culture, demographics etc, but we are the same INDIANS who worship cricket, shake our legs on hearing FILMY music, respect our parents, go to the temple on buying a car, criticize politicians and stand up when our National Anthem is played. We are so different yet so much same. If we realize this very fact, NORTH SOUTH will be merely directions and not identifiers of the people. Let diversity be our strength but do not let it rip us apart.  We must be identified as INDIANS and nothing else. 

This is INDIA!!! 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Our life begins crying. It is a sign that all is well. But there is another aspect to it. We cry to seek attention. The moment we open our eyes we first see our parents. That begins the true relation with them.
We have friends, family, colleagues, spouse, children and many such relations in our life. They also define the various roles we play in our lives. Each relation demands something. This “something” isn’t really well defined. As a result we often end up saying, “ I don’t know what she wants from me” , 
“ You will never understand me” and all such vague statements. But why are they vague, it is because comprehending the other person’s thoughts is next to impossible. So how do we overcome this problem? After all we have to live in a society and be together with everyone.
I believe from what I have understood so far is that it is not the literally possible to understand anyone, but there are two important things that must keep in mind to make relations successful.
First and the foremost is NOT TO TAKE ANYONE FOR GRANTED. Be it your parents, Friends, Siblings or your spouse. Each one of these is a very close relation. But when someone begins to take it for granted, that’s where the problem starts. It is this factor which leads to most of the relationship ambiguities. At times we get so close to someone that we what they say, what they do just doesn’t bother us at all. It is only when we suddenly loose them we realize how important they are to us. We must always respect the other person and his or her feelings for us.
The second reason is the lack of TIME spent together. This time is not being merely present, but a heart to heart conversation. Just asking the other person what and how he or she feels. It connects the two people instantly. It is a sincere effort made by both the persons to know each other well.
I just hope we all connect with all in our life and stay happy :) :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A beginning....

Finally the day has arrived when I am writing the first few lines of my blog. "My blog"!!! Few lines about me .. I am Pranay Mathur... I live with my parents in the city of dreams, Mumbai.. I have recently shifted to Bangalore to pursue my MBA, from the School of Business, Alliance University.
Although it may sound odd to some ... it is indeed a dream come true to pursue my MBA from Alliance. And life at Alliance is simply awesome ... its a home away from home ... people from all over the country .... and the bestest of friends... all have made life at Alliance fullfilling. 
Last 3 months have been brought many changes to life. New home, new college , new friends... but what I miss is the awesome fun we friends used to  have in Engineering days. Life was hell ... but days were fun !! ... Well its time to look forward now. Jus hope we all make it big.